miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Post 4: My love for pets

Hi everyone!
Since I was a child I have had pets. Too many cats and dogs all around my life. I have come to have ten cats, because I lived in the countryside and my two cats at the same time had kittens.  Also I have had an hamster and a chicken, but they sadly died.

Well when I think of which is my favorite pet, I found with a dilemma. I love cats and dogs too much! I could to said that cats are my favorite pet, because the cats are very intelligent, independent and tender, but sometimes attack you without a reason, or ignore you completely. The dogs are different, although they may seem a bit silly and dependent, they are pure love, they all time demonstrate you their affection and appreciation, and this make me love them too! 

Now I have 3 cats, and 5 dogs, but my favorite is my puppy Oliverio (Picture), and I miss he a lot, because he isn't here.

The pets  are loyal companion of humans, what it is very important because in this day is difficult to find someone to trust, every day humanity worsens! The  pets unite families, and help children develop bonds of affection and respect to another beings. 

Besides the dog helps disabled people in our society as guides for the blind, and cats, with his purring, help to depression people to feel better. Notwithstanding they help us, we don't take care of them, even we are savage with them. I think that is the major problem, the animal abuse and that people should be aware of that because the pets aren't guilty of anything!. 

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Resultado de imagen para macbook proMy favorite technology device is my personal notebook. I have had it since I was in 4° grade in 2014. 
I remember the day when my dad bought it for me, I was very happy and grateful with him. 

Well, since the day that I had my notebook, I use it almost every time. What I like most about a notebook, is that you can do many things with it. So, I use it for studying, reading papers,  and writing ideas. I also use it to listen to music, to watch movies, and tv series and the most important, for talking with friends and family in social networks.
I think that if I didn't have it, I would get bored a lot. Besides, if I didn't have it, everithing to be more difficult, because is a tool of my studies and is a way to communicate with my loved ones.

Well, that is all. Bye Bye!