lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017

Post 8: My experience writing blogs

Hello everyone!

Today I write the last post of my blog and I will tell you how the experience was.

First of all, I think that writing is a right way to understand and learn english above all if the writings speak about personal experiences and feelings. So, in general writings blogs is challenging and funny!

At first it was quite difficult to find correct words to express the ideas I was thinking about. Then, I enter in the mood and it was easier to find the words and to express what I wanted to say in an other language. However, I still have problems with the gramatical structure and the complements of this language; it's really hard for my to think in an other other language that is not my native one.

I would like to include new ways or writings or narrative kind: I could express my experiences in a poetry way or created tales about my personal life. On the other hand, blogs could tell something completely different of our lives, for example, they could include fiction stories or free poetry.

I would like to talk about something in a more critical way, to speak about my national situation and why not about international relations.

So this is all, thanks for reading my experiences and my ideas...

Bye bye!

Post 7: My favorite subject of this semester

Hello everyone!

Today I'm going to talk about the subject that I have enjoyed most this semester "Educación y vulnerabilidad social"an optative of the six semester of my carreer.

This is given by psychologist Sonia Pérez and a team of assistants help her to take decisions and to review evaluations.

This optative is important to me because it deals with issue of poverty, vulnerability in the chilean context in a critical way; these contents were analized by a social vision considering the territorial division of the city and the particular subjectivity of it. We also speak about three basic focuses of the human needs.

On the other side, this subject make me more conscious about problems that I didn't see without this critical way of analysis. Moreover, thanks to this I realize that poverty in my country goes far away from the absence of money.

The lessons are very particularly interactive: the teacher wants us to make a circule by our chairs, so we can all see each other. During some lessons we have the possibility the joing the teacher part: we presents our experiences and learnings to the rest of the class.

To conclude, I like this subject because during the class there is a situation of confidence, participation and friendship.

Post 6: A expert person on my field


Today I'm going to talk about of Sigmun Freud, a person of my discipline that I admire.

Sigmund Freud was born the 6th of May 1856 in Pribor. He was a neurologist and he had jewish origins and due to that he had been persecuted by the nazists during the second world war.

Freud is important because he proposed a new form to analize the human being; he is considered the father of the psychoanalysis, he discovered that there is an unconscious part of the psyhic area of humans.

Moreover, he thought out of the lines of the sexuality trying to understand it by a revolutionary point of view. This domain was essential for him to shape his following ideas.

They contributed to inovate two fields: a theory of the mind and human behavior and an other one about therapeutic tecniques. The definitions of repression, desire, unconsciouness and dream interpretation are fundamental.

Nowadays, his theories are still important: many people criticate them, others accept and develop them to create new hypothesis.

To conclude, Freud is an important figure to me because he was brave, revolutionary and selfconfident and because his theories opened my favorite psychology area: psychoanalysis.

Post 5: My favourite photo

Today I'm going to talk about my favorite photo. Well, this picture is very important for me because it represents a particular moment of my life: a trip with my mother to a place that I have always wanted to visit.

So, my mother takes this photo the last summer at the ruins of Machu Picchu. I don't remember the specifically date but this photo was taken in January.  After visiting Machu Picchu we have been in Arequipa for one day, in Tacna for two days and Arica for three days. It was a magic trip!

Machu Picchu is one of the seven new wonders of the modern world, and one of my dream places. In addition to this, the photo is very significant to my life, because it reminds me pretty emotions and feelings.

I love how the clouds cover the mountains and how the green color highlights the ruins, this makes them magnificent!

miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

Post 4: My love for pets

Hi everyone!
Since I was a child I have had pets. Too many cats and dogs all around my life. I have come to have ten cats, because I lived in the countryside and my two cats at the same time had kittens.  Also I have had an hamster and a chicken, but they sadly died.

Well when I think of which is my favorite pet, I found with a dilemma. I love cats and dogs too much! I could to said that cats are my favorite pet, because the cats are very intelligent, independent and tender, but sometimes attack you without a reason, or ignore you completely. The dogs are different, although they may seem a bit silly and dependent, they are pure love, they all time demonstrate you their affection and appreciation, and this make me love them too! 

Now I have 3 cats, and 5 dogs, but my favorite is my puppy Oliverio (Picture), and I miss he a lot, because he isn't here.

The pets  are loyal companion of humans, what it is very important because in this day is difficult to find someone to trust, every day humanity worsens! The  pets unite families, and help children develop bonds of affection and respect to another beings. 

Besides the dog helps disabled people in our society as guides for the blind, and cats, with his purring, help to depression people to feel better. Notwithstanding they help us, we don't take care of them, even we are savage with them. I think that is the major problem, the animal abuse and that people should be aware of that because the pets aren't guilty of anything!. 

miércoles, 6 de septiembre de 2017

Post 3: My favorite piece of technology

Resultado de imagen para macbook proMy favorite technology device is my personal notebook. I have had it since I was in 4° grade in 2014. 
I remember the day when my dad bought it for me, I was very happy and grateful with him. 

Well, since the day that I had my notebook, I use it almost every time. What I like most about a notebook, is that you can do many things with it. So, I use it for studying, reading papers,  and writing ideas. I also use it to listen to music, to watch movies, and tv series and the most important, for talking with friends and family in social networks.
I think that if I didn't have it, I would get bored a lot. Besides, if I didn't have it, everithing to be more difficult, because is a tool of my studies and is a way to communicate with my loved ones.

Well, that is all. Bye Bye!

miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2017

Post 2: The way to my future

Hello ! Today I'm going to talk about why I chose my career.

When I was a child I dreamed of being a vet. I have always loved the animals. I remember that with my best friend played to be a vet, it was funny!

Well, then I thought that I wanted to be a doctor. For many years I believed that it will be my future. I told everyone that it was my career, I was to be a psychiatric.  My mother was very happy with that.

Everything changed after giving the PSU, the results weren't that I expected. At that moment I considered studying psychology. It was an idea that some time ago hovered in my head. Well, I talked with my parents. My dad right away supported me, with my mum was more difficult, but she finally supported me too.

So, in the end I went to study psychology. I been three years in the career, and a like it. I like the clinical area, and I considering to be psychoanalyst. I dream of attend for patients with personality disorders, I dream to understand and help them. I´m very happy with my decision, I can't imagine doing anything else.

 Well, that is all. Bye Bye!

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Post 1: My Autobiography

Hi class, I'm Consuelo Veloso Retamal, I was born on October 10th, in San Carlos, Chile. For 3 years I have lived in Santiago because I started to study here. So, I´m studing psychology in the Chile University.

Well, when I movet to Santiago I had to leave my family, it was difficult because I had to learn to live alone, without my parents and brothers. Regarding them, my Mom is a biology teacher, my Dad is a vet, my eldest brother is a Doctor and my other brother is an Architect. I love them so much and I'm proud of each one of them.

I really love  reading, when I was a child I used to read school books with my grandmother, she showed me the seeds of reading, and for this I will always be grateful to her, because it's my favorite hobbie now.
 Also since I was a child I have had a big love for the pets. I have too many pets in San Carlos and I dream to have one here, I hope to have a kitty.

Other thing that is very important for my is the music, I love the Spinetta music and I love listening Jazz, Blues and Rock!

Well, this is bit of my life, thank for read it... Bye Bye :)